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Jake Byrne



The night purrs. I’m liquored

Slick with gin and camphor.

Your arm with the left-handed
swastika tattoo, scruff of my neck,

I’m groomed. Dogteeth smile.

Now who’s a good boy.

A very good boy. You say


I had no idea you were so young;

I interpret this as a compliment.

My eighteenth birthday. Your gift—


draped crystal and chain over my nape.
To protect me from all harm
done by others. I did not scan


the emphasis. I dropped my

twenty-sided die; failed fortitude
save against charisma.


In a pawn shop, eight years later,

I get the gift appraised: not crystal
at all. Set in lead and stormglass:

little ampoule of fox urine. A mark:

scentless in the cold of a crowd

unbearable musk

when an older man got me

alone in a warm room





In cotton white briefs              Bodies flagrant discomposing

Dishonorable discharges                     From the ER

Hospital fluorine         Took too much hash and end up there                       

Again              And the album playing on the hospital speakers                   


Is a little Cheesy                                             Sounds like it’s


Going to Ibitha                                    And we say


We say Never Again                           And God suggests


Nobody gets to say that                      Without a test of their resolve


                                                        And so we say


Ibiza is not the Carthage we did not want to burn


Ibiza is not the Rome you sought for


Ibiza and Berlin too are assets now in play


So decode secret instructions in the morse code of a catheter


Look out the window. The dead hang there


Tearless on black oaks lacquered now in rain           


Dripping as my hands do                    Now of opaque rain…

I could speak of it only


Via negation


A story the mind tells the body


In the body’s secretions, written in


A script the mind cannot read


Does not register


In the part of the mind corresponding to language    


And in this hospital there is no picture we could take


Of the space around a molecule


Vibrating in a magnetic field


To produce for us the comfort of a diagnosis


In this hospital, we discern grand and terrible truths.


It’s not all that we discern from each other


It’s not all that I want to describe


I wanted to describe the feeling of electric


Current that I regarded as the root of the word venir


To come – a hairy fleshy sort of romance


Unmediated by a screen


Was still, as of today’s writing, still possible


If only at an instant of connection


Even at this blue-black hour I find myself in


Historical materialism feels insufficient


When between the crackle of energy expressed by two bodies


Displayed on the sanitized iPad stations with which


We see off our dead


                             In the most noble fashion our culture affords us



-For Isabel Fall, and the victims of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian war


Restrain also the keen fury of my heart
which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling strife.

-Homeric Hymn to Ares, trans. Hugh G. Evelyn-White


Here the truceless armies yet

Trample rolled in blood and sweat

They kill and kill and never die

And I think that each is I

-A.E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad, XXVIII: The Welsh Marches












This is a poem

Composed of images

And words














Sometimes my words do not suffice












Here is a photo of Pete Buttigieg

Wearing cool guy wraparound shades

And camo fatigues

Holding a NATO M16 rifle

The sight of the rifle points down to the ground

He’s standing in front of a lot of puppies

Dozens of them, various breeds


He posted the photo to Twitter

With the caption

“Time for ‘therapy’!!!”





I remember September 11th.

And I remember the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I remember how 2003 felt.

I remember My White Liberalism™️













My White Liberalism

Was easy. It was easy to

View the world

As consisting of good guys

And bad guys. I was a good guy

So were the politicians that were Not The Bad Guys.

Because we weren’t the bad guys.

If our military killed somebody

It must have been for the right reasons.

It really is that easy







You need to be a little sick

To walk around and evaluate the world

Through this kind of projective fantasy.









But a sick citizen

is the most likely product

Of a sick nation in a sick society


Jake Byrne is an award-winning queer poet and a non-award-winning copywriter and editor. Read his work here, follow his Twitter, or sign up for his weekly Substack about perfume here. He is a settler that lives in Tkaron:to on land governed by the Dish With One Spoon Covenant.

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