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26 FEBRUARY 2021


my queer heart is with u if you got out of bed today and did anything at all to take care of yourself —Daniel Zomparelli


Government response

to COVID. Am I bitter?

No. Like yourself, observant.

One has to have money to be transgressive.


Never thought of it in terms

of bravery only being here

or not.


The gender of a plastic vegetable. A plastic anything.


Things that shouldn't

matter until they do

and the reasons they do.




Who have nothing to lose

Must sing and dance


Christopher: “Lay it all

down babe.”




They wished to sing, sing

to forget

their true life of lies

and to bring to mind

their lying life of truths.


—Octavio Paz, “Epitaph by a Poet (g-neutral)”

Translated by Erín Moure


She’s up         she’s up
Another gray full of dread

Nothing pretty on the corner


Morning shot dark soon

Assorted nights single malt

Note: Eat something


They’re all away.

Berlin Malaysia Vietnam Prague

One with a new beau in Lisbon


A matinee? Haven’t been to the cinema

Years, last time to see McKellan’s Lear

Bloke arrives late plops down


Texts, sees me, “You gotta problem?”

Nothing a refund won’t solve.

Who needs an audience?




Arenas too small. Everything an Event.

An insta spot. Burgers

Bigger than your head.


I’m telling you she’s done.

Cut from the tree years ago.

Past her expiry date


Can’t keep up. Can’t pretend

Otherwise. “Go on.

It’s okay.” She knows.


Who’s on top of the shit heap this week?

Ivy-leaguers, chants of genocide

Like that’s not something we do


Like it’s not next door

Or down the street haunts boarded up

Franchises vape shops


Buzz to enter. Advertisements

Replace shop windows QR codes

FREE delivery on orders over $150.


Penny for your thoughts

The five and dime. Two DollarRamas

Not worth the scooter you rode in on




Progress worthless progress woolworths

Progress woolco progress kmart progress

Penney’s progress malls progress


Automated coffee stalls

eBikes the only remaining jobs

30 mins or less


This cold cold ground

No place god forbid to sit

Seek comfort  


Mistake you belong

Something viable

Linger longer than the twenty minutes


Allotted now trespassing

A nuisance

What are we doing here?


You’re hungry no Brothers

No Coach House no diners

Now specialty shops,


Tapioca through a straw

Someone’s flavour, not mine

Stopped making Tab decades ago


I liked the tinny taste the pink can

Girl. Don’t say anything they might

Cancel your ass HA!  



Go on, she’ll manage.

No worries. I don’t put up

With me either.


Like my beloved Vera,

I’ll find my spot

Leave like a good girl.


Sundays. Suzanne. “Who will look

In on Jeff after I’m gone.” She was so

Lucky to have Rick. Brother, we all were.


I know your initial plan is/was to

Bleed-out like Gielgud in Caligula

In a glass tub no less. Class.


Is there anything more perfect

With a skin on it than grapes?

Pricey, but you don’t need a lot of them


Do you? Nature’s truffles.

Just a bite. Okay, maybe a small

Bunch, maybe one more


They’re just so. Caligula, a gleeful mess

So over the top phantasmagorically seventies

No reality at all 



Reality all the rage

All people watch anymore

Who never leave their tents


Except in extreme circumstances.

Order in track on your phone.

Who the fuck wants to deal 


With the “Problem? yeah my

Problem is I waited In this line

Over two and a half hours


Only to be directed to another useless

Fucking line if it were powder, I’d snort it

Maybe even leave you a lil no


I’m not a good person

Gave it up for Lent

Little tries my patience more than


Ineptness that covers itself up in ineptness

Calls itself service. Gives zero fucks.

“You can do this online you know.”


Outta grapes. One week they’re $2.99, $6.99

The next. Same grapes. I haven’t

Seen fresh apricots anywhere, of late



Have you? Avocados the current it girl, and

I don’t know what they've done to meet demand

But the last ones were flavourless


Fuck your avocado toast Bitches!

My illustrious queen full-on

Unless you’re like everyone else quoting


Some earlier season of Drag Race how the holy

Hell did that thing get on let alone the top three

Thank god she didn’t win. Could you imagine?


It’s a lil chilly all up in here can I hear an

Get up and shut the gd window ffs

Sunday. Two more hours of light.


I’m not going to cross the ocean

Either/any ocean this life. Penniless

You either have it or you don’t besides


It’s harder for her, for anyone really to travel

Everything is harder have you noticed?

Nothing works anymore, or it’s a fluke


Not exactly, but close.

Big toenail still black trying to

Make the last hand-me-downs fit.




Check showtimes, missed it again

I guess I didn’t really want to

The line-ups. People. It’ll stream.


Once Vera found her spot

Behind the toilet I didn’t think it was

Such a nice spot (though the floor was heated)


So I moved her, made a lovely bed beside me

On mine, but no that wasn’t her spot which once

I turned she returned to. “O, it’s gonna be


There is it? Okay. I’ll check in on you.”

“Thank you” she said, her head in my

Palm I thanked her back such a simple


Exchange between lovers the night she

Left and I wrapped her in an old childhood

blanket that protected me from Godzilla


Buried her under the quince beneath my balcony

I hope they have no reason to ever dig up soon

Cat bones in a blankie, there’s worse you could


Find. Far worse. That’s what we did with our

Pets. Buried them in the yard, Yes, we had yards.

Marigolds and lilies of the valley for trim.




She was always up to something. Suzanne.

Four kids three meals a day carting us here,

There when we did everything outside.


She’d set up a lounge chair so they could

Lay outside with all the other chairs

And blankie smiling cause they


Were that much closer the boys they

wanted to get up run around be with

“Mother may I?” Stick ball “No


They’re too old and play too rough for you.

Rick you look after your brother”

They ran laughing


Around the swing set only to be hit in the head

By a teeter-todder blood gushing

Rushing to emerge, stitches a tetanus


Shot, a dum dum lollipop, a cold washcloth,

Keep the fever down mashed potatoes

Canned corn, gravy, olio. She’s cold.


Another blankie? The cashmere lap blanket, the

Last thing I gifted her for the winter while she

Watched her shows. Big Brother. Survivor.


Reality. I guess I’m not making the 3:30

Showtime either. Time for a lil laydown

Normally wait til 4 but it’s Sunday like that


Matters. Wish I was going to or doing

Something else, that’s not true. I simply

No longer imagine. No longer peel


Potatoes, just smash them skins

On air-fry til they crunch. I still own a good

peeler, an old spatula, she’d always say,


“Take whatever you want,” from her

Stuffed kitchen drawers, ”Wait. Why

do you want that one?”


Up 4am   why does the body

Jolt at the thought

Of being killed?



future thinking

her pre-internet brain

things that work

being carefree

going to New York

travel without dread

the city she grew up in

cinemas with grand marquees

having to enter a place

old flames

wanting [to go outside or do anything]

the market my bread boy

walking without effort


going for drives

get up and go

seeing things

having a life

Saturday morning cartoons

-from She, selected by Fall 2024 Guest Editor, Hollay Ghadery​

KIRBY’s work includes She (KFB, 2024), Last Licks (Anstruther Press, 2024) Behold (2023), a stage adaption of Poetry is Queer (Palimpsest Press, 2021), What Do You Want to Be Called? (Anstruther Press, 2020), & This Is Where I Get Off (Permanent Sleep Press, 2019). Their column, “The First Time” is a regular feature at Send My Love To Anyone. They are the publisher at knife | fork | book

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